Natalie Sarah Sexy Photo Dada

Natalie Sarah born 1 december 1983; age 26 year a woman characterization and master of ceremonies in indonesia. Several sinetron ever membintanginya among others marry to hang, love me at home compile, from temen so demen, love s, bride koq bo’ong-bo’ongandan, my fairy rainbow 1. he also ever is one of [the] programme entrant selebriti sudden dangdut at antv.First child from 6 bersaudara this has acheh breed, batak, and sundanese. he is muallaf in june 2001. Natalie Sarah get married with abdul rizal, man bleeds field and arabian, on 6 aprils 2007 at building pewayangan kautaman beautiful indonesia miniature (tmii) wrongly one chairmans witness pp muhammadiyah, men syamsudin. sarah give birth to the first son on 25 februaries 2008, given name habibi abdul great.